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All functions

Below is a complete summary of all no code functions in NoCode-X. For more information about functions, see the action-editor and the function call info pages. Learning about the variable scope is also recommended.









Text manipulation:




Remove from list

Remove from list function.
DescriptionRemoves an item at a given index from a list.
Arguments– List: the list from the variable scope.
– Index: the index of the item that has to be removed from the list.
ResultThe function returns a new list with the given item removed. Choose a name for this new variable.

Add Template component to list

Add template component to list function.
DescriptionAdds a template component to a given list.
Arguments– List component: The list component where the template component should be added. Can be selected from the variable scope or the component picker.
– Template: The template that you would like to add.
– Template parameters: if the chosen template has parameters, these can be provided here.

Add to list

Add to list function.
DescriptionAppends an item to the end of a given list.
Arguments– List: The list you want to add the item to.
– Item: The item that will be added to the list. It can be selected from the variable scope, or a string can be passed.
ResultThe function returns a new list with the item added to it. Choose a name for this new variable.


Create data

Create data function.
DescriptionCreates a new JSON data item with a given format and body.
Arguments– Name: the name of the new data item. Choose a string from the variable scope or type a name.
– Format: select a data-format from the scope or from the data-format list.
– Body: the contents of the data. This can be selected from the variable scope.
ResultThe newly created data is contained in a new variable in the scope. Provide a name for it.

Get all data

Get all data function.
DescriptionReturn all data items with a given data-format.
Arguments– Data-format: Select a data-format from the variable scope or from the list of data-formats.
– Attributes: Limit the data fields that are returned for each item to these attributes.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the found data. It is now part of the scope.

Get data body

Get data body function.
DescriptionReturns the body of a given data item.
Arguments– Data: the data you wish to return the body of. Must be in the variable scope.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the data body. It is now part of the scope.

Get data

Get data function.
DescriptionReturns the data corresponding to a given data id.
Arguments– Data id: select the id from the data you wish to fetch from the variable scope or type it in the input field.
– Format: select the data-format corresponding with the data item from the scope or the data-format list.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched data. It is now part of the scope.

Update data

Update data function
DescriptionUpdates the data corresponding to a given data id.
Arguments– Data: select the data to be updated from the variable scope.

Change data name

Change data name funciton.
DescriptionChange the name of a given data item.
Arguments– Data: select the data whose name you wish to change from the scope.
– Data name: choose a new name for the data from the scope or type it in the input field.

Change data body

Change data body function.
DescriptionChange the body of a given data item.
Arguments– Data: select the data whose body you wish to change from the scope.
– Body: choose a new body for the data from the scope.

Get filtered data

Get filtered data function.
DescriptionReturns all data with a given data-format that meets certain conditions.
Arguments– Data format: select the data-format corresponding with the data item from the scope or the data-format list.
– Filters: apply one or more filters to the data. Items that do not pass these filters will not be in the returned array.
– Attributes: Limit the data fields that are returned for each item to these attributes.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the found data. It is now part of the scope.

Get filtered data (paged)

Get filtered data (paged) function.
DescriptionReturns all data with a specified data-format that meets certain conditions, on one or multiple pages. Useful when very large amounts of data are requested. The return variable is a page variable.
Arguments– Data format: select the data-format corresponding with the data item from the scope or the data-format list.
– Filters: apply one or more filters to the data. Items that do not pass these filters will not be in the returned array.
– Page: the amount of pages.
– Amount per page: the amount of data entries per page
– Attributes: Limit the data fields that are returned for each item to these attributes.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the filtered data. It is now part of the scope.

Create json

Create json function.
DescriptionCreate a new JSON.
Arguments– JSON: Create a new JSON by manually adding fields using the visual JSON interface.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the new JSON. It is now part of the scope.

Initialize paging

Initialize paging function.
DescriptionUpdates a paging component with the information of a page: current page, total amount of pages.
Arguments– Paging component: the paging component that should be initialized.
– Page: select a page from the scope.

Update json

Update json function.
DescriptionUpdate a given JSON from the scope by selecting another JSON or by creating a new one inside this function call. Fields that are present in both the old and the new JSON are overwritten.
Arguments– Existing JSON: choose an existing JSON to be updated from the scope.
– JSON: Create a new JSON by manually adding fields using the visual JSON interface.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the updated JSON-schema. It is now part of the scope.

Delete data

Delete data function
DescriptionDeletes a data item with given data id.
Arguments– Data id: select the id from the data you wish to delete from the variable scope or type it in the input field.

Get all data (paged)

Get all data (paged) function.
DescriptionReturns all data with a specified data-format on one or multiple pages. Useful when very large amounts of data are requested. The return variable is a page variable.
Arguments– Data format: select the data-format corresponding with the data item from the scope or the data-format list.
– Page: the amount of pages.
– Amount per page: the amount of data entries per page.
– Attributes: Limit the data fields that are returned for each item to these attributes.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the found data. It is now part of the scope.


Route to page

Route to page function.
DescriptionRoutes the user to a given page.
Arguments– Template: pass a template from the variable scope or choose one from the list of templates.
– Template parameters: if the chosen template has parameters, these can be provided here.

Execute action

Execute action function.
DescriptionExecutes another action when called.
Arguments– Action: the action you want to execute. It can be selected from the actions list or a new one can be made by clicking the plus icon.
– Action parameters: if the chosen action has parameters, these can be provided here.


For loop function.
DescriptionAllows you to perform one or more actions inside a for loop.
Arguments– Start: the starting value of the loop. Type a number in the input field or select a variable from the scope.
– End: the end value of the loop. Type a number in the input field or select a variable from the scope.
– Increment: the value we increment the loop counter with. Type a number in the input field or select a variable from the scope.
– Action: the action(s) to be performed during the execution of the loop. Choose an action from the list of actions, or create a new one by clicking the plus icon.
– Action parameters: if the chosen actions have parameters, these can be provided here.


Switch function.
DescriptionThe functionality of the switch statement is based purely on the conditionals attached to it. Lines exiting this function call without a condition will only execute if all of its other lines evaluate to false (similar to else in an if-then-else structure for those familiar).

For each

For each function.
DescriptionLoops over every element over an array, thus allowing you to perform actions on each element.
Arguments– List: the array you want to iterate over. Select one from the variable scope.
– Item name: the name of the list item on scope.
– Action: The action(s) to be performed during every iteration of the loop. Choose an action from the list of actions, or create a new one by clicking the plus icon.
– Action parameters: if the chosen actions have parameters, these can be provided here.


Start function.
DescriptionWhen the action is called, its execution starts here. Connect other function calls to this one to make them execute.


Get answer of text field

Get answer of text field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified text field component.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Set answer of password field

Set answer of password field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified password field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose a password from the scope or type it in the password input field.

Get answer of url field

Get answer of url field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified URL field component.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Set answer of slider field

Set answer of slider field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified slider field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose a number from the scope or type it in the input field.

Remove choice from a checkbox component

Remove choice from a checkbox component function.
DescriptionRemove a choice from a specified checkbox component.
Arguments– Component: the component from which you want to remove a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to remove. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Get answer of email field

Get answer of email field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified email field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Get answer of number field

Get answer of number field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified number field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Add choice to a dropdown component

Add choice to a dropdown component function.
DescriptionAdd a choice to a specified drop-down component.
Arguments– Component: the component to which you want to add a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to add. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Label of new choice: the label of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Help information of new choice: the help information text of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Set answer of url field

Set answer of url field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified URL field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose a URL from the scope or type it in the input field.

Remove choice from a radiobutton component

Remove choice from a radiobutton component function.
DescriptionRemove a choice from a specified radio button component.
Arguments– Component: the component from which you want to remove a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to remove. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Set answer of text field

Set answer of text field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified text field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose text from the scope or type it in the input field.

Set answer of input field

Set answer of input field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified input field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose text from the scope or type it in the input field.

Get answer of password field

Get answer of password field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified password field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Get answer of slider field

Get answer of slider field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified slider field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Get answer of date field

Get answer of date field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified date field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Set answer of date field

Get answer of date field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified date field.
Arguments– Component: the component whose date you want to set. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.

Get answer of checkbox field

Get answer of checkbox field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified checkbox field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Remove choice from a dropdown component

Remove choice from a dropdown component function.
DescriptionRemove a choice from a specified drop-down component.
Arguments– Component: the component from which you want to remove a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to remove. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Add choice to a radiobutton component

Add choice to a radiobutton component function.
DescriptionAdd a choice to a specified radio button component.
Arguments– Component: the component to which you want to add a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to add. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Label of new choice: the label of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Help information of new choice: the help information text of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Set answer of email field

Set answer of email field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified email field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose an email from the scope or type it in the input field.

Add choice to a checkbox component

Add choice to a checkbox component function.
DescriptionAdd a choice to a specified checkbox component.
Arguments– Component: the component to which you want to add a choice. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Code of new choice: the code of the choice you want to add. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Label of new choice: the label of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Help information of new choice: the help information text of the new choice. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.

Get answer of radiobutton field

Get answer of radiobutton field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified radio button field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Set answer of radiobutton field

Set answer of radiobutton field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified radio button field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose text from the scope or type it in the input field.

Get answer of dropdown field

Get answer of dropdown field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified drop-down field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Get answer label of radiobutton field

Get answer of radiobutton field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer label of a specified radio button field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer label from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer label.

Set answer of dropdown field

Set answer of dropdown field function.
DescriptionSet the answer of a specified drop-down field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to set the answer. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
– Answer: choose text from the scope or type it in the input field.

Get answer of input field

Get answer of input field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified input field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.

Get answer label of dropdown field

Get answer label of dropdown field function.
DescriptionFetches the answer of a specified drop-down field.
Arguments– Component: the component of which you want to get the answer from. Can be selected from the scope or from the component picker.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the fetched answer.


Rest api

REST api function.
DescriptionInteract with a REST API.
Arguments– Authentication method: the way of authenticating to the API. Choose between basic authentication and OAuth through the drop-down menu or choose a variable from the scope representing either option.
– Username: the username to authenticate with. Select it from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Password: the password to authenticate with. Select it from the scope or type it in the password input field.
– Endpoint: the API’s endpoint. Select the URL from the scope or type it in the input field.
– Method: choose the method of request from the drop-down menu or from the scope.


Log data

Log data function.
DescriptionLogs a given line. For more information about logging, see the Wikipedia page on logging. You can provide the level of severity of the logged action, as well as a custom message.
Arguments– Logline: the line of text you wish to log. Can be selected from the variable scope or typed in the input field.
– Loglevel: the severity of the logged event. Click the dropdown menu to choose between the available severity levels or choose a variable from the scope.


Show a component

Show a component function.
DescriptionMake a given component appear.
Arguments– Component: the component you want to show. Select it from the scope or from the component picker.

Show a layer

Show a layer function.
DescriptionMake a given layer appear.
Arguments– Layer: the layer you want to show.

Hide a layer

Hide a layer function.
DescriptionMake a given layer disappear.
Arguments– Layer: the layer you want to hide.

Hide a component

Hide a component function.
DescriptionMake a given component disappear.
Arguments– Component: the component you want to hide. Select it from the scope or from the component picker.

Text manipulation


The Uppercase function.
DescriptionChange a piece of text to all uppercase characters.
Arguments– TEXT: the piece of text to put in uppercase. Select a string from the scope or enter one in the input field.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the uppercase string.


The Concatenate function.
DescriptionPlace one piece of text after another one.
Arguments– Left text: the left piece of text.
– Right text: the right piece of text.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the concatenated string.


The Capitalize function.
DescriptionCapitalize the first letter of each word of a piece of text.
Arguments– TEXT: the piece of text to capitalize.
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the capitalized text.


The Lowercase function
DescriptionChange a piece of text to all lowercase characters.
Arguments– TEXT: the piece of text to put in lowercase
ResultChoose a name for the variable containing the lowercase text.


Map to body

Map to body function.
DescriptionMap an array of data to an array of data bodies.
Arguments– Array: the array to be mapped. Can be selected from the variable scope.
ResultProvide a name for the mapped array.

Map to attribute

Map to attribute function.
DescriptionMap an array of data to an array of attributes.
Arguments– Array: the array to be mapped. Can be selected from the variable scope.
– Attribute: the attribute to map to.
ResultProvide a name for the mapped array.
ExampleAfter creating an array of “objects” with a given data-format using the Get all data function, you can use the Map to attribute function to return a new array that only contains one attribute of each of the aforementioned objects.


Create user

Create user function.
DescriptionCreate a new user for your application. Their information will be stored on the NoCode-X platform.
Arguments– Firstname: the first name of the user you wish to create. Can be selected from the variable scope or typed out.
– Lastname: the last name of the user you wish to create. Can be selected from the variable scope or typed out.
– Password: the password of the user you wish to create. Can be selected from the variable scope or entered in a password input field.
– Email: the email address of the user you wish to create. Can be selected from the variable scope or typed out.
ResultA reference to the new user is created in the form of a variable in the scope. Choose a name for this variable.

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